Standard Exo-Suit:
Protection: 50
Capacity: 1 pistol-sized holster, 1 rifle-sized holster
Certification Needed: Standard (None)

Standard Armor: This is the armor you respawn in after dying. It has very little protection, can carry a pistol and a rfile, and has a small inventory space. It's best to avoid using this armor whenever possible, since everyone on Auraxis can also use Agile Armor, which is superior. However, you'll need to get Agile Armor from a nearby Equipment Terminal.



Agile Exo-Suit:
Protection: 100
Capacity: 2 pistol-sized holsters, 1 rifle-sized holster
Certification Needed: Standard (None)

With about twice the armor of Standard, and the flexibility of a second pistol slot and larger inventory, the agile armor is a vast improvement over standard. You still maintain good footspeed and this is the heaviest armor you can wear and still pilot/drive all vehicles.











Reinforced Exo-Suit:
Protection: 150
Capacity: 2 pistol-sized holsters, 2 rifle-sized holsters
Certification Needed: Reinforced Exo-Suit

This is the heaviest non-MAX armor out there. With two pistol slots, two rifle slots, and a large inventory space, this armor is well suited for battle. However, the bulk of the armor reduces your foot speed and is a significant trade-off in terms of mobility.










Infiltration Suit:
Protection: 0
Capacity: 1 pistol-sized holster
Certification Needed: Infiltration Suit

While this is not technically armor, the "stealth suit" allows you to cloak yourself on the battlefield to avoid visual detection. It provides no armor protection and has very littlie inventory space, save a single pistol slot. Still, it is an extremely useful suit for reconnaissance and stealth.












Mechanized Assault Exo-Suit: MAX
Protection: 650
Capacity: No holsters (integrated weapon)
Certification Needed: MAX (see below)

The Mechanized Assualt Exo-Suit (MAX for short) comes in three configurations, each one designed to combat particular targets. Each Empire has its own version of the MAX unit, and each has specialized capabilities unique to that Empire. However, their primary roles remain the same.